Hello everyone, First, I would like to pay homage to the authors of that fairly user-friendly software, which is very useful for a diffusion of XAFS technique. Thanks to the detailed explanation found in the various tutorials, I became able to use it almost without any help. Despite every thing, I encounter now some difficulties running DIFFKK and DELTAF in IFEFFIT. I am trying to reduce DAFS data of a metallic nitride film at the Ti K-edge and I need anomalous scattering factors. First I built diffkk.inp and deltaf.inp files following the instructions given by Matt Newville and Julie O. Cross in the Diffkk tutorial. Then, I begin to run diffkk in ifeffit 1.2.11c as follows: ifeffit> run diffkk ifeffit> read diffkk.inp or ifeffit> run deltaf ifeffit> read deltaf.inp I become only a file named userenv.log with such comments: " cannot process autoexec.bat". Perhaps I loaded a wrong version of IFEFFIT. Thank you in advance. Marie-Hélène Diffkk.inp %Anomalous scattering at Ti K-edge% Title=Ti0.5Al0.5N (2microns) XAFS data out = C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\Ti05diffkk.fpp %output file name xmu= C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\L27ACIEReldeg.xmu %xmu data file name isfeff=false %is this a feff xmu.dat ? encol=1 % energy column mucol=2 % mu(E) column iz=22 % z of central atom (Ti) e0=4968.0000 % edge energy egrid= 1.0000 % energy grid ewidth=1.2000 % for broadening Cromer-Liberman f"(E) elow=70.0000 % how far below the data range to go ehigh=500.0000 % how far above the data range to go %------------------------% Deltaf.inp %Bare atom resonant scattering factors at Ti K-edge% Title=Ti0.5Al0.5N (2microns) delta f" out = C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\Ti05deltaf.fpp %output file name iz=22 % z of central atom (Ti) e0=4968.0000 % edge energy ehigh=500 % how far above the data range to go elow=70 % how far below the data range to go egrid= 1 % energy grid ewidth=1.2 % for broadening Cromer-Liberman f"(E) end %------------------------%