4 Apr
4 Apr
7:32 p.m.
Hello Everyone, This is an announcement for the XAS summer school to be held at SSRL between July 18-22, 2016. We will cover XAS, EXAFS and Imaging beamlines with hands on data collection sessions at beamlines, followed by in-depth data analysis in a classroom setting. You can find more information at :http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/conferences/workshops/exafs2016/index.html http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/conferences/workshops/exafs2016/index.html. The agenda and application pages will be finalized within a week and I will post an update once it is up and running. But I wanted interested users and participants to get a heads up. Best Wishes, Ritimukta Sarangi SSRL