Hi folks, I am sitting here at the beamline waiting for data to roll in and reading the mailing list correspondence that came in while I was on vacation. A month ago Scott and Matt had a very interesting discussion about ways to set boundaries on parameter values in fits. Matt showed a rather complicated math expression using Ifeffit's current restraint mechanism that does essentially the same thing as the hypothetical expression "bound(x,lo_val,hi_val)", where "x" is a guessed parameter, and the other two numbers indicate the boundaries beyond which a severe penalty should be applied to the fitting metric. Matt's expression was, as Scott, said rather fiendish and clever. Norbert then piped up suggesting that a "bound" would be widely appreciated. One solution is, of course, to wait for Matt to find the time to implement and test a bound function. It occurs to me that another solution is to implement in Artemis a "bound" interface which would take the arguments of the hypothetical bound function mentioned in the last paragraph and construct the long expression that Matt suggested to Scott. All that could be done (as so many things are) behind the scenes and out of view of the casual user. The Artemis solution has two nice features. One is that it would be much more transparent to the user than trying to implement Matt's fiendish suggestion by hand. The second is that I could probably deliver this feature pretty quickly in Artemis and it may not be necessary to change Ifeffit. Scott and Norbert seem interested, so perhaps I should put this on the list of things to do... B