On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 04:28:38 PM you wrote:
I am not sure but it would be helpful to put a note about this on website or in readme file about this issue. That would be very useful to the users having same problem.
I would say that one of the benefits of the mailing list is that it supplements whatever crappy documentation I manage to crank out. If a question gets raised on the mailing list, then it's answer can be found by Google or Bing ... assuming people use the mailing list! In any case, the best solution is for me to fix the problem properly. That will be done in the next release. B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://xafs.org/BruceRavel Software: https://github.com/bruceravel