Dear Friends of Ifeffit, Over the past few weeks there has been quite a bit of email flying back and forth about Ifeffit and a variety of related subjects: building on MacOS X, installations scripts for Win32, phase-corrected FTs, Tables for Feff calculations, and a bug report or two. It's been quite a challenge for me to keep up with it all! At Bruce's suggestion, and in an effort to cut down on the amount of repeated and partial information, I set up a mailing list for Ifeffit. You can join this list or simply read the archives. You do not have to join the list to post a message. To join the list or browse the (currently very short!) archive, go to Of course, you can still send me mail about Ifeffit, but please consider using this list for Ifeffit-related mail. Since these messages will be put in a public archive, anyone with similar questions, or answers, will be able to see the messages. Thanks, --Matt |= Matthew Newville |= GSECARS, Bldg 434A voice: (630) 252-0431 / 1713 |= Argonne Natl Lab fax: (630) 252-0443 |= 9700 South Cass Ave |= Argonne, IL 60439 USA