Hi everyone I am a beginner about IFEFFIT. Now I have some XAFS data measured at BL13B of KEK, Japan, using 100 pixel Ge array detectors. They are named such as *.dat. edt. Is there someone from KEK and I can discuss with him on the data processing? Another question I found is that, the Athena 1.2.10 downloaded from " http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ifeffit/src/ifeffit-1.2.10.exe http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ifeffit/src/ifeffit-1.2.10.exe" can not open file like this: 10957.9 0.00489 10966.26 0.00481 10974.63 0.00469 10983.01 0.00458 ........ The left is energy, the right is mu(E) The preprocessing software often alert that "Could not read xxx (file does not exit)". Such case does not happen to version 1.2.9. I guess that the new version could not work well on Windows XP. Does some one else meet such things? Wang