Hi guys, Thanks for the help, I'm sorry I wasnt completely clear. I thought there might be an easy answer and there still may. I will elaborate. I have tried to 'Run Feff' several times. Including several of the Cu database files one your suggestion. Every time, I 'run Atoms' without a hitch and then when I 'run Feff' I get the error message: There are no feffNNNN.dat files...etc. The output window says: 'feff6' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I am indeed operating in Windows. I do have the latest updated for Ifeffit. The Feff.INP file does get created in this directory: C:\Ifeffit\horae\stash\artemis.project.3\data0.feff0 It is 6 KB. Maybe this helps some, I will look at some more of your comments to see if I can figure it out. Thanks Again, Dan