Hi Yuzhiguo, This chapter of the Athena manual explains in some detail how to move data into Athena. http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/doc/Athena/html/import/index.html As you can see there, Athena is capable of importing data without modification from many different beamlines. If you continue to have trouble, you might consider posting an example of the data that Athena is unable to read. B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at Brookhaven National Laboratory Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 My homepage: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/ -----Original Message----- From: ifeffit-bounces@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov on behalf of ??? Sent: Thu 11/22/2007 12:57 AM To: ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov Subject: [Ifeffit] excuse me! Dear prof: I am a postgraduated student in envirnmental science,so i have litte knowlege of this field ,now,i want to use athena to process date of XANES from Bsrf. but which format can be used in athena? my data format is xxxx.dat ,how can i to convert it to fit athena! Thank you very much! yuzhiguo