The Photon Factory at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan has two beamlines (BL7A, BL2C) that cover 250-1500 eV at around 10^9 photons/s. Bruce Ravel wrote:
There are some other options if you are willing to look farther afield than NSLS. The XAS beamline at CAMD is one option. I believe that there are beamlines at the ALS that can do XAS in that energy range. Examples from even farther afield would inlcude the Lucia beamline at Soleil and beamline 8 at the Thai synchrotron.
Perhaps some of the folks on this mailing list can suggest some other options for that energy range.
-- Jason Gaudet Environmental Catalysis and Nanomaterials Laboratory Department of Chemical Engineering Virginia Tech 147B Randolph Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061 540-231-9371 jgaudet@vt.edu