Hello Everyone! I am the new user of XAFS method. Recently I obtained some data with XANES method. I have just started using ATHENA for my data analysis. I am using "Using ATHENA" document to learn the software. I have two questions 1.For XANES, Which method is better for knowing unknown data with known standards: Peak fitting analysis or Linear combination analysis. I would like to get some comments from your experiences so far which works better if tried both for same type of data. 2. In the peak fit analysis, in literature related to my work it was mentioned that peak modelled by 50%-50% combination of Gaussian and Lorentzian functions works better. Is it possible to do in ATHENA.? Hope to recieve some useful reply. Regards, Pushan ********************************************* Pushan Shah PhD Candidate CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development Graduate School of The Environment Macquarie University Australia Phone : +61 2 9850 7950 Fax: +61 2 9850 7972 **********************************************