Actually, although I don't remember the details, I do remember having some sort of problems with the installer version of artemis. As Bruce released a new version fairly quickly (now quite a long time ago), horae_update solved the problem. Perhaps it would be a good idea to suggest to remind users they can update to the latest version of horae automagically using the command "sudo horae_update" on the download web page. I have done multiple shell, even multiple edge fits with the newest version of artemis (0.7.010) without any problem. Paul On 2004/10/03, at 12:22, Matt Newville wrote:
Michel, David,
Have either of you tried upgrading Artemis using horae_update? I don't know that it will help, but it might....
The message Michel sent looks like a Perl error that wouldn't be processor dependent, so I'm not sure what's going on. All I can say is that Artemis works for me on a G4. I'm perfectly willing to believe that my system has something different from or not included in the dmg (I try hard for this to not happen, but realize that 'works for me' is not always sufficient).
Can anyone else using a Mac report on how Artemis works for them? Thanks,
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Dr. Paul Fons Senior Researcher National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science & Technology METI Center for Applied Near-Field Optics Research (CANFOR) AIST Central 4, Higashi 1-1-1 Tsukuba, Ibaraki JAPAN 305-8568 tel. +81-298-61-5636 fax. +81-298-61-2939 email: paul-fons@aist.go.jp The lines below are in a Japanese font 〒305−8568 茨城県つくば市東1−1−1 つくば中央第4 近接場光応用工学センター ポール・フォンス主任研究官