Karla, (Scott, Bruce, Carlo), On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Karla wrote:
Yes, and when I regenerate the plot, a window pops up to show what range I picked, right?
Sorry, but I can't tell what you're saying "yes" to here, and am resisting the tempation to guess. When you click on the plot, Does the correct value get written in the entry or not? I also can't tell what you mean by "a window pops up to show what range I picked", but I believe the answer is No: no windows pop up. Maybe I'm just not understanding. Assuming you're talking about Fourier Transform windows (that's a guess too, but what you asked about last time): The FT window with those parameters is generated, and plotted if you choose, when you hit the plot button. I can't tell whether this is obvious or not. The relationship between the FT window parameters and the shape of the window function is not always simple. It's possible that this is the confusion. Again, I'm not sure.
This window does not intersect at 0 on the Xs I picked. I believe the correct x values are written.
This would suggest that the values sent from the plot to the entry are ok.... but I'm still not sure. Perhaps you want the FT window to be 0 at some value that you choose? If so, choosing a window function type and set of parameters that does this would be necessary. This section of the Ifeffit reference manual might help: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/refman/node142.html If not, let us know, --Matt