Hi all: The first version of the Cluster geometry generator is available on the web: http://www.yu.edu/scc/index_sub.asp?id=2711 (follow the second link under Software) The programs from this package will generate cartesian coordinates of regular polyhedra - those which are most popular in nanocatalysis applications. A few comments on the first version of the package: 1) The output is an ascii file that can be easily converted to JMOL for viewing 2) The first program, cuboctahedron, is actually not working yet - but will be functional in a matter of days 3) We have adds on programs that calculate radial distribution function on these coordinates - for coordination number measurements. Will add soon 4) Other geometries will be available: truncated regular polyhedra, to simulate supported cluster geometry. It was a project done mostly by my student, Dana Glasner, who is now a Ph.D. student in Computer Science in Columbia. For all comments, please email to me. Enjoy, Anatoly Frenkel (anatoly.frenkel@yu.edu)