Hello everybody,
Yes, and when I regenerate the plot, a window pops up to show what range I picked, right? This window does not intersect at 0 on the Xs I picked. I believe the correct x values are written.
I guess I have already seen that and I think it is related to the way the edges of the window are calculated. Basically, if you choose a Hamming window, set a k-range from, say, kmin to kmax, and a dk window smoothness dk, you would notice that the window starts at kmin -dk/2, increases up to kmin+dk/2, remains flat up to kmax-dk/2, and then cancels at kmax+dk/2. So, basically, the limits for this window are kmin-dk/2 and kmax+dk/2. NOw, it seems that Ifeffit is calculating these limits for *any* window. Incidentally, there's another bug that I observed many times with Artemis0.7.12 running on Win2000 (sorry Bruce!): when I perform a multi-spectrum fitting and when I set the width of the back-fourier transform window for the first spectrum, that window is reproduced for all subsequent FTs, whatever the actual R-range I choose for these FTs (example: R-range for EXAFS_1 is 1-3 Å (dk = 0 to avoid the problems at the limits), R-range for EXAFS_2 is 1-4 Å; the window ploted all along the FT for EXAFS_2 is 1-3 Å). Because I ususally use the same R-ranges for multispectral fitting, I didn't care much, but I guess this could be a problem in the future (i.e., what actual R-range is used for EXAFS_2?...) Best regards, Michel Schlegel -- Michel Schlegel Commissariat à l'énergie atomique CEN de Saclay, DEN/DPC/SCP/LRSI Bat 391 - Piece 205B F91 191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France Ph: +33 (0)1 69 08 93 84 Fax: +33 (0)1 69 08 54 11