Hi Folks, I get a fair number of questions and notices about jobs and post-doc opportunities related to XAFS. So far, I've been reluctant to use this list for that purpose, but since there are many grad students and post-docs on this list, it seems that posting these to the mailing list could help everyone. So, here's a notice for a post-doc fellowship at LBNL, sent to me from Corwin Booth (chbooth@lbl.gov): http://actinide.lbl.gov/gtsc/JobDetails.htm Corwin also wrote:
The final candidate will work closely with one or more group members on something related to actinide research. The group is an actinide chemistry group, however there are opportunities to work in solid state physics. Somebody interested in x-ray absorption spectroscopy, x-ray scattering and/or magnetism of f-electron systems would obviously be great for me, and I am starting to focus on measurements in diamond anvil cells. We have high-radioactivity labs, as well, so someone interested in synthesis of actinide intermetallics could also make big contributions. There are other opportunities, so an interested person could contact me. If you know of any potential candidates I would appreciate you forwarding them the ad or this email. We plan on filling this position ASAP.
Good luck!! --Matt PS: if anyone else would like to post job notices here, feel free.