Hello Mailing List, I have read papers describing that EXAFS has an error regarding N the number of scatters of +/- 20%. The only original reference I can see to support this is "The effect of statistical noise on structural parameters in EXAFS data analysis" by L. Incoccia, S. Mobilio (1984, Il Nuovo Cimento D). However, in the more recent D. C. Koningsberger review "XAFS spectroscopy; fundamental principles and data analysis" (2000, Topics in Catalysis) he cites an error of 5% for N (although the paper cites slightly varying error for different absorber-scatterer pairs). Several months ago, I wrote to the mailing list regarding the difference of fitting in R- and k-space in Artemis and received several responses revealing that some comments made in the Koningsberger review are no longer valid in Artemis. In my literature search, I did not find additional papers describing the error inherent in N when fitting in Artemis. Since the paper cited by Koningsberger (X-ray-absorption fine-structure standards: A comparison of experiment and theory, G. G. Li, F. Bridges, and C. H. Booth, Physical Review B, 1995) utilized Feff6 for their theoretical standards and so does Artemis, is the error in N still the same? I was wondering if there is some literature that I have missed, or if the developers of the Demeter package can shed some light on this issue. Thank You, Carolyn Carr