Hi All, It seems that most of the users on this list are using Athena and Artemis on Windows. As Bruce hinted at, code development will slow way down for the next few months. For windows users, his ability to build executables will stop on Friday, even if bugs in the code can be fixed (I'm not volunteering, and don't expect new features from me, or fixing mis-features, but I might be able help solve a serious problem now and then). The most optimistic timeframe for getting back the ability to make windows executables is March. I suspect (and hope!) that this will not be Bruce's highest priority during the first few months of his job. Is there anyone here who depends on Athena and Artemis enough to consider working to build these executables themselves? Doing so would probably require some knowledge of programming, and some familiarity with Perl would definitely be ideal. In addition, you'd need a modern Windows machine and the ActiveState PerlDev Kit, which costs somewhere between $100 and $500 (US). --Matt