Got you. Thanks for your quick reply. since i am not ever a software developer(as most people), i really suggest to do a function lib first(which is the key parts of Athena etc. and gap between ifeffit and user. then users can use them in python etc first), then GUI. PS, You just made the next version more exciting to me. Glad to know we are thinking in the same way for this question : ) Thanks Jack Bruce Ravel wrote:
On Thursday 04 December 2008 11:58:48 am goodhei8@gmail.com wrote:
Such as I want to call calibrate or merge function of Athena in python. Can python glue them together? any document?
Jack Song
That's the most interesting question I've seen here in weeks! :)
The fact that you cannot do what you are asking is something that has been bothering me for quite some time. So much so, in fact, that I am in the process of rewriting the entire functionality of Athena and Artemis so that clever ideas like yours are possible. You can peruse my Demeter wiki pages for details.
One of my goals for the new software is to write a XML-RPC wrapper around it so that you can have the new software running as a service on your computer or on a computer on the network. This is a nifty idea because it is language neutral in the sense that you could write a script in python or any other language (Ruby, C, Lua, C#, even something crazy like perl!) and process your data identically to how it is done in Athena.
Alas, what I just described is still many months away. The code base is mostly written, but I need to spend some time writing GUIs so the code base can be tested more methodically. But someday....
One option you might consider in the short term is to drive Ifeffit directly from your python script. Try watching what goes on in the Ifeffit buffer (see Athena's Edit menu) while you are calibrating or merging or whatever. That will give you a sense of how my perl programs are driving Ifeffit and might help you hack something usable together in python.
Another option would be to try to use some of Sam's work in SixPack as the basis for your own python scripts.