Hi folks, I am releasing a new source tarball for Athena and Artemis today along with windows executables of both programs. They are available in their standard places on my web site. Athena: One small change in how title lines are handled. Other than that, this release is identical to the last. Artemis: Lots of small bug fixes and usability enhancements, including: 1. You can rearrange the order of the parameters on the Guess, Def, Set page. 2. You can rename data, feff calculations, and feff paths. This changes how they are displayed in the list, how paths are reported after a fit, and how legend strings are generated for plots. 3. Control-right-click or middle-click on an item in the Paths list will pop up a contextual menu. 4. A parameter can now be set as a "skip" parameter (as well as guess, def, or set). This means that Athena will ignore that parameter when building an ifeffit script for fitting. 5. You can now save multi-column data files where the columns contain the selected (i.e. highlighted in orange) items from the paths list I am hoping to start work on multiple data set fits in Artemis real soon. The next release will, I hope, have my first stab at that. Yay! Special thanks this time to Simon Bare for pointing out a very strange bug in Athena. Also I should point out that starting work on the Artemis document proved to be a good way to find bugs and other weird behavior in Artemis. Most of the changes this time are a direct result of stuff I found while trying to start the document! Peace, B P.S. The bug in how Athena handled titles is extremely specific. It was triggered by having a title line in a data file which had a percent sign (%), a hash (#), or an exclamation point (!) inside of matching parentheses somewhere on the line. Then, the problem was only triggered on Windows. I could not reproduce it on linux, only on Win2k. I also have not yet been able to reproduce it in a simpler context using the ifeffit command line. My temporary solution is to remove %, #, or ! from a title line if Athena is running on Windows. This is a bad solution because Athena should preserve the contents of the headers unaltered. However, it seems more important that Athena plot and remove backgrounds and do Fourier transforms. Thus, I decided to release this crude hack with a promise to return to the problem later. Also, I think that Athena's removing those three characters is only a small sin. -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- ravel@phys.washington.edu Code 6134, Building 3, Room 222 Naval Research Laboratory phone: (1) 202 767 5947 Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 1697 NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC) Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b, X24c, U4b National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 My homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/