Dear Simon, good work
Currently most synchrotron beamlines will report calibrations of the edge according to the inflection point, or first peak in the derivative spectrum. As we know, this changes with experimental resolution, monochromation pre-edge structure and bandwidth, so is neither a fixed definition nor fully portable. However, apart from direct [powder or single crystal] diffraction measurement post monochromation, this is one of the best markers we have to date.
The discrepancy you mention is quite large prima facie to be just the above, so more likely is a calibration error or even monochromation calibration error [of one or the other].
These studies are very important to make progress in the field and to cross-calibrate, and to question theoretical predictions based around the edge structure, which are ongoing.
[PS I did not directly answer your question!]
Best wishes
Christopher Chantler, Professor, FAIP, Fellow American Physical Society
Editor-in-Chief, Radiation Physics and Chemistry
Chair, International IUCr Commission on XAFS; CIT, CCN
IPP, International Radiation Physics Society
School of Physics, University of Melbourne
Parkville Victoria 3010 Australia
+61-3-83445437 FAX +61-3-93474783 chantler@me.com
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