I passed along what I knew about compiling athena and artemis on Mac OS 10.2 (Jaguar). I had no trouble installing the new OS, as well as recompiling Tk, arthemis, athena, and Atoms. I also upgraded to the latest perl 5.8.0. Well, my hard disk died on my powerbook and things didn't go as smoothly, namely because of the way options were specified in my config hash. To address this problem, edit the same file MMUtil.pm and in addition to the changes I mentioned earlier, make the following changes: 278,279c278,279 < $self->{'LDDLFLAGS'} =~ s/-flat_namespace\s+//; < $self->{'LDDLFLAGS'} =~ s/-undefined\s+suppress\s+//; ---
$self->{'LDDLFLAGS'} =~ s/-flat_namespace//; $self->{'LDDLFLAGS'} =~ s/-undefined\s+suppress//; 290,291c290,291 < $self->{'LDFLAGS'} =~ s/-flat_namespace\s+//; < $self->{'LDFLAGS'} =~ s/-undefined\s+suppress\s+//;
$self->{'LDFLAGS'} =~ s/-flat_namespace//; $self->{'LDFLAGS'} =~ s/-undefined\s+suppress//;
I have one more confession to make and that is I attempted (at first) to use the new fink unstable version of pgplot which requires additional flags to the loader to include a couple of Frameworks from apple. This seems to work fine if one changes the Makefile for ifeffit, but in the end leads to undefined runtime symbols when athena, for example, is run. I don't remember exactly the symbols, but they were graphics related NSColor and Bezier was there as well. Somehow the framework linking information wasn't being passed on. Thus I have a copy of the old pgplot in its old location for the linking. Has anyone else tried to tackle this situation? I have to do some work fitting so I am taking a break from compiling (providing my new hard disk doesn't fail as well).