Hi Raja, On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, rajasekaran swaminathan wrote:
Hi Matt,
I tried again over the past few days to install the binary installer on my mac (OS X.2). I couldn't find an attached aquaterm / pgplot demo. The Aquaterm program opens, but I cannot see any windows come out from that application. I mean, it is just like a blank application. When I type ifeffit on Terminal app, it doesnt recognise the presence of ifeffit in the ifeffitosx directory. i.e. it says that the command is not found. The executable works perfectly well on a Windows machine, and I was wondering whether there are any such equivalents for a Macintosh machine. I also dont think that the installer comes with athena/artemis/tkatoms etc.. Do you have any other recommendations to resolve this issue? Also,if it is possible, can I get a CD of these programs for a Macintosh equivalent to an executable version for the Windows?
I appreciate your help in this regard.
I have used the binary installer once on a OS 10.1 system. It worked for me (after following the simple included instructions, of course) and plotting with Aquaterm did work. I haven't tried 10.2. I know the Mac binary installer does not include athena, artemis, or tkatoms. I believe it only provides the command-line ifeffit. I'm not sure I can answer many other questions about it. I don't know enough about it or 10.2 v. 10.1 issues to know how well it would work with 10.2. If the aquaterm/pgplot demos don't work, I'd guess it's a more serious problem and that the binary installer may not work. Is the Fink / X-Windows / PGPLOT installation procedure too big of a hassle? I know that can work, and that athena will work too. I also believe that the instructions are simpler for 10.2 than 10.1 (especially with respect to getting perl/Tk to work), but haven't tried this myself. I'm copying this message to the ifeffit mailing list, hoping that someone else may have better answers to these questions. How necessary is a complete binary installer for Mac OSX? Thanks, --Matt