3 Nov
3 Nov
5:30 p.m.
Having changed a few places (maybe five or so) of "state" to "-state", athena now reads in data fine. To reiterate, I manually downloaded the source for Tk804.025 and compiled it and the UnSelect.pm problems went away (as opposed to when they showed up when I used CTAN for the compilation). Things seem to work now (I just did a FT). Paul Fons Dr. Paul Fons Senior Researcher National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science & Technology METI Optoelectronics Division Umezono 1-1-4 Tsukuba, Ibaraki JAPAN 305-8568 tel. +81-298-61-5636 fax. +81-298-61-5615 email: paul-fons@aist.go.jp The lines below are in a Japanese font 〒305−8568 茨城県つくば市梅園1−1−4 光技術部 ポール・フォンス主任研究官