Bruce and Matt and everybody else, I am probably missing something, but the Artemis and Athena splash screens from the new Ifeffit 1.2.0 windows installer that I just used say that it installed Athena 0.8.015 and Artemis 0.5.008 and Ifeffit 1.2.0. Initially, I thought that the windows installer would (as in the past) include the latest (and greatest) versions of Athena and Artemis. But now that I think about it more, Matt seemed to indicate that he wants a stable distribution, which might mean older versions of Athena and Artemis. Bruce's website, on the other hand, seems to say that the windows installer for Ifeffit 1.2.0 would have the most recent windows versions of Artemis and Athena. I politely ask, which of these ideas is winning and when can windows users hope for some new versions of the Ravel-ware. Mark Jensen ------------------------------ Mark P. Jensen Chemistry Division Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439-4831 USA 630-252-3670 630-252-7501 FAX mjensen@anl.gov