Hello, Long time follower/user and first time subscriber! I work at Northwestern University, and one of the services I provide is analyzing XAS data for users who collect data at APS. Generally, I am not at APS to help them collect spectra, I help analyze the data afterwards. A user came to me recently with some Ce L3 data that does not have reference foil data. If I am trying to compare the EXAFS of several different samples (all which should be similar oxidation state, and of which I have other references of similar oxidation state). Does anyone have a suggestion how to work up the data if I can't calibrate it? ------ Neil M. Schweitzer, Ph.D Operations Director, CleanCat Core Facility Research Assistant Professor Chemical and Biological Engineering Northwestern University 2137 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208-3000 Office: 847-491-2955 http://cleancat.northwestern.edu