Dear users, I want to compute the “average EXAFS spectra” usin 500 snapshots of atomic coordinates from my MD simulations. The idea is to compute the EXAFS spectra for each snapshot and then average the spectra over all snapshots (the so-called "MD EXAFS" approach). I know how to use Artemis to generate the EXAFS spectrum of a single snapshot. However, generating the EXAFS data for each of the 500 snapshots individually will be too time consuming and messy (this is essentially a book-keeping approach). I was wondering if there is a time-saving strategy/script for computing the average EXAFS instead of the snapshot-by-snapshot approach. For example, is it possible to include the coordinates of all the snapshots in a single feff.inp file and feed it to Artemis? Or if I have the feff.inp file for each snapshot, is it possible to write a script for Artemis that will compute each EXAFS spectra individually and dump them in a specified directory? Thank you very much.