Hi folks, On Monday I was rushing to get updated versions of Athena and Artemis finished so I could go on a two day trip to NSLS on Tuesday and Wednesday. In my rush, I posted broken versions of Athena and Artemis on my web site. Upon my return, I found my mailbox overflowing with reports of problems. For the Windows users: I belive that Matt correctly identified the problem. I, of course, installed the logos for the splashscreens on *my* computer, but forgot that no one else would have them installed on theirs. That's none too bright! Matt sent me personal email while I was gone stating that he is almost ready to release 1.0073. So here is what I propose. I'll build new executables that do not use the splashscreens and wait for 1.0073 to release that feature. In the future, I'll try very hard to remember to post any new files that need to go into the distribution. Thanks to Mark Jensen, Raul Barrea, and Matt for downloading the executables and reporting back with their problems. For the Unix users: The splashscreens appear to be a problem for unix types as well. The code which handles the splashscreen makes use of a perl module that I had thought was part of the standard distribution but which, in fact, is not. The solution is simple. I'll include the missing module in the source tarballs for athena and artemis and post the new tarballs later today. Thanks to Sher Alam for pointing out this problem. I'll send mail out to the list later today when the new executables and tarballs are in place. Once again, thanks to all of you for taking the time to provide feedback. Your help is very much appreciated. B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- ravel@phys.washington.edu Code 6134, Building 3, Room 222 Naval Research Laboratory phone: (1) 202 767 5947 Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 1697 NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC) Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b, X24c, U4b National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 My homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/