27 Aug
27 Aug
2:40 a.m.
Bruce, I am running feff to model XANES of Erbium doped ZnO. I have a big problem to find the convergence of FMS in this kind of systems. I increased the atoms number in feff code to nclusx=500 and still have not found convergence. Should I increase the nclusx to a bigger number?, is there a limit for this number independent from the computer RAM or I do have another chance?. Thanks for your time and patience. 8<- - - - - - 8<- - - - - - 8<- - - - - - 8<- - - - - - Eugenio H. Otal CINSO - CONICET - CITEFA eotal@citefa.gov.ar eugenioh@gmail.com 8<- - - - - - 8<- - - - - - 8<- - - - - - 8<- - - - - -