Hi Stefan,
we have some start-up delays (1 min) during some start-up's of the programs of the ifeffit packages. The systems are Windows XP systems. It seems, that the software can't connect to the update Server. Since our IT-Staffs deny to help to open the respective ports in the firewall, if I can't specify them, I search here for help. Can anybody specify the ports (out and in), which need to be open.
the port which needs to be open for automatic updates is the usual port for http access: 80/tcp (out). runner.exe just issues a regular http request to "http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ifeffit/updates//current.dat", with a timeout specified by timeout_connect. As this port might be already open on your machines, the delays could also be caused by temporary network issues, either on your or on cars9 side. All the automatic update stuff is configured in %IFEFFIT_DIR%/config/updater.ini . You have several options of decreasing waiting time, either by decreasing timeout_connect and timeout_test, or by setting timestamp to some future unix date, e.g. 1500000000.00. This effectively disables automatic updates till May 2017 (which possibly doesn't matter, as it seems, that automatic updates weren't used since 2006, roughly corresponding to the ifeffit1.2.9 release for Windows XP). You could of course use less offensive settings for the timestamp. It's easy to compute, since it's just the seconds from 1-Jan-1970. Cheers, dominik -- Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Samuelis samuelis@pc.rwth-aachen.de Physikalische Chemie I RWTH Aachen University Phone: +49-241-80-94840 Fax: +49-241-80-92128 Landoltweg 2 52074 Aachen Germany