Hi Folks, As Gerrit S mentioned earlier, there is now a new updater for Windows that will install the latest versions of Athena, Artemis, Diana, and Hephaestus. In addition, there is an upgrade of the Ifeffit library to 1.2.7... a source release will be available soon -- if you're interested, it's already under http://cars.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/src/ but I haven't updated all the web pages or sourceforge yet. I think Bruce has discussed most of the new features in his programs. One thing that we should warn you about is that these versions of Bruce's programs use a new method to make Windows executables. Really, this is better for many reasons, but it currently means a noticeable lag in startup time, even before a splash screen pops up. We're looking into this, but please be patient! Thanks, --Matt