Hi Everyone, Many people on this list will be at the upcoming XAFS 12 conference, and have probably seen the notice for the microsymposium on XAFS analysis programs. Bruce will talk about the 'Ravelware', I'll talk about Ifeffit etal, and several real luminaries in the field will talk about XAFS and XANES analysis. The conference is a great chance for many informal discussions about the ifeffit programs. At this point, there are many possible directions for development and improvement and I (and I assume Bruce and Sam) would love to hear feedback on what the priorities for new functionality and development should be. It might be good to set aside a lunch time (or beer-time?) to talk about development priorities. I'd tenatively pick Thursday lunch (after the analysis symposium and most posters/talks to be able to learn some things from the conference), but maybe we can finalize the time and place at the Tuesday evening analysis symposium. A few possible topics of discussion are 'Installation on MacOS X' and 'Getting GUIs that run Feff6', but there may be other issues. If you're interested, please feel free to join the discussion, and see you in Malmo! --Matt