I saw second peak with some In atoms in your figure. Second shell usually means that your sample is crystalized. But the peak of second shell in your figure is low and broaden, which means that there are some disorder or small number of atoms around probe atom. If you compare your sample with perfect crystal InN in XRD, you can check how much your sample have disorder. Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:15:44 +0700From: kaswat@gmail.comTo: ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.govSubject: Re: [Ifeffit] How to keep enot, delr, and ss within acceptable limits THank JeongEunSuk , Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to fitting it again. I just recheck the XRD result. I got a only 1 sharp peak at 002 (31.311 degree) which represent a WZ structure, but you are talking about atomic disorder. Could you describe about this difference. -- Mr. Kittiphong Amnuyswat [kaswat]Post Graduate student College of KMITL NanotechnologyContact : kaswat@gmail.com, nakz_zz@hotmail.com [MSN Available] _________________________________________________________________ 간편하고 정확한 나만의 맞춤 검색, Live Search! http://search.live.com