I think it is a nice joke for a weekend ;) James - this is a part of the program, never close this window! W dniu 13-10-25 15:38, James Apollo pisze:
Hello, Bruce and co
I am a user of extended xray edge EXAFS spectroscopy and I have what I hope is a well formulated question regarding your software that you have developed. I recently downloaded a fresh copy of Iffefit from the CARS website, but the same issue continues to persist. In version 0.8.012 of Atena, I have noticed that if I ever close the "graphics window #1" the program alerts me that "the window was closed" and the software shuts down. Afterwards, I cannot restart the software no matter how hard I try. I have lost a great deal of my extended xray XAFS and XANES work from this aggreviating software issue.
Is there some kind of patch I can download? The updates don't seem to work when I startup the software. Is there a newer version of the software I could use? Please let me know how to fix the problem.
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