Hi all,
I am using the following link to install Demeter from the source code.
In step-1, when I do "./configure", it gives an error that says
"could not find TERMCAP Libraries : 'make' will fail". Through internet
sources, I found that, I require ncurses5 library because termcap library
is obsolete for my version of Ubuntu i.e. Ubuntu 18.04 and also found that
ncurses5 was already installed in my distribution. In this context, please
guide me on the way forward to solve this problem.
Sri Tapaswi Nori
On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 1:33 PM sri tapaswi
Hello all,
Please guide me on the ways to download, install, and run Demeter software such as Athena on linux distribution, Ubuntu 18.04.
Thanks, Sri Tapaswi Nori