Hi, I don't know if this is a similar problem to the last message that was going around the mailing list because I don't have "fit background" checked while I ran my fit, but I did run into an error when the status bar on the bottom said "writing log file." Like the other problem, the fit does run to completion, and the parameters I get are the same as I had gotten before, so it doesn't seem to be any major problem. It's just that this time I'm not doing any background corefinement and it seems like a similar problem is cropping up. And it doesn't seem to be just one error. The sound that Artemis makes when it traps a warning, there sounded like 12 or so of them, and if I look at the command prompt that's open as well, it definitely says it's trapped many more warnings, but I only have the latest one copied and attached for you to look at, because the others were over written when a new one came up. I also tried switching projects, and the same warning comes up, and again, I could only copy for you the last one, which is the same as the error I got with the other project. Otherwise though, thanks very much for the newest version! It's looking great! Especially the copy feff path option. - Sean