Hi Folks, I've posted a windows update that includes Bruce's latest Athena, and Hephaestus, that he described a week ago. It also has a couple other fixes: - a problem with runprog.exe got fixed so that running autobk,feffit, and feff6 now works correctly for directories that contain a space in their name. - the updater now includes two additional parameters that may help those people who were having problems with the updater timing out before downloading files. These are both in updates\updater.ini: timeout_connect is the time in seconds to connect to to http://cars9.uchicago.edu to read what the update level is and verify that a connection can be made. timout_download is the time in seconds to download a zip file. If you have problems with the updater, try increasing these numbers from their default values of 60seconds and 2400seconds. Sorry for taking so long on this. --Matt