Hi, I fixed the following four problems with artemis reported to me last week: 1. a really bad bug triggered by using capital letters in parameter names 2. a strange end-of-line problem when artemis was run on unix using feffNNNN.dat files made on windows 3. the "View paths.dat" button will look for "paths.dat" or "path00.dat", i.e. it will find the paths file from feff6 or feff8 4. several related bugs in how the functional form of the FT windows were chosen and displayed on the screen I updated the source tarball and posted it on my web site. http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/ Artemis currently has the unfortunate, complimetary problems of lacking documentation while being a complex and unintuitive program. The best suggestion I can make for now for learning to use it is to check out the two project files in the examples/Cu/ directory. They are the ones with the .apj extensions. If you are a feffit user, you can import your `feffit.inp' files. If you have never used feffit before, I would recommend reading Chapters 2 and 4 of the `notes.pdf' file found on the web page for my "EXAFS Analysis Using FEFF and FEFFIT" course: http://leonardo.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/course/ Between that and examining the project files, hopefully Artemis will make some kind of sense. Thanks especially to Mark Jensen and Michael DeLeon for their email in the last few days. Regards, B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- ravel@phys.washington.edu Naval Research Laboratory, Code 6134 phone: (1) 202 767 5947 Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 1697 NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC) Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b, X24c, U4b National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 My homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/