Hi Leandro Thank you for your helpful advices. The title should be change to "Please give me some advices" , and I am sorry for this error. *The attached .prj file can be opened by Athena rightly by changing the download file's extend name .bin to .prj, if someone else want to join our discuss.* Then go to our topics: The QDs samples were prepared by MBE and XAFS measurements, as you guessed, were performed at a synchrotron facility in fluorescence mode. Since the Si/Ge intermixing happened frequently during growth, there is certainly Si in so-called Ge quantum dots(QDs, or nanocrystal). However, now I am very caring for if the GeOx in the QDs. The XAFS spectra show that there may be GeOx in the Ge QDs, but since the QDs were covered *in situ* by a 15nm Si cap layer the oxidizing process of QDs by air should not happen. This inconsistency between XAFS and experiments is the real reason for that I want to extract the truth from strict softwae analysis. 1, I have the bulk Ge and diluted SiGe standard spectra, but they do not resemble with these spectra as you mentioned. I am sure that the QDs is a combination of Ge and Si elements, and am not clear if the O exists. The growth temperature is beyond 500oC, and annealing was performed from 550-800oC(all temperature uncalibrated with +/- 50oC ). The amorphous Ge seems to be impossible, but can not exclude it. *In situ* RHEED also can not tell me if the deposited Ge is crystallizing. 2, If I truncate the k to 10 A-1, the fit result is accepted or not? Kefan