Hi Matt,
As more people are using Ifeffit/Athena/Sixpack for real work, it seems that having a stable version is good idea. So I'm leaning toward calling the next release (ie, 1.0078) Ifeffit-1.100 and only fixing bugs, and build problem for this version so that this can be the 'stable, recommended' version, and can get better tests and documentation to really reflect this stable version.
I can then start a beta series for new features and build systems, and expect only beta testers to be affected. Any comments on this?
Excellent idea! I'm about ready to make the switch from feffit to ifeffit and the related GUIs, but it's been a bit tricky to time when to make the jump so that I don't get beset by the bugs which accompany all the nifty new features. Starting a "stable" series will make that much easier. --Scott Calvin Naval Research Lab Code 6340 --