On Wednesday 13 October 2004 10:15 am, Stefano Ciurli wrote:
Hello David,
I have tried horae_update... but it doesn't work... in fact, Artemis remains stuck to version 0.7.007, Athena to version 0.8.029 and so on.. As if there was no update! I really don't know what I can do to make Artemis and Athena work.
i confirm that the horae_update script (run yesterday on my G4, not G5 - lucky you) yields the same versions of Artemis and Athena that you mention here. Stefano
David, Stefano,
What you guys say confuses me. When I run horae_update (not on a Mac, but I don't see why that should make a difference) it downloads horae-045, which contains athena 0.8.033 and artemis 0.7.011. The horae-update script writes a log file which may be useful to me in figuring out why it is behaving differently for you than it does does for me.
If it is behaving somehow wrong for you, you could always go to SourceForge, download the package, unpack it, and do the "perl Makefile.PL; make; sudo make install" incantation by hand. (The script just automates those steps, it does not do anything different.)
I confirm what Bruce says: running horae_update_042 (sudo horae_update) on my G5 (I haven't yet installed 045) fixes all my previously mentioned problems. All run smoothly. However, what makes me more puzzeling is that I don't obtain the same results (using of course all the same parameters) from Artemis compared to those I have found using Feffit in command line (Unix version). Michel -- __________________________________________ Michel Jaouen Universite de Poitiers - UFR Sciences - SP2MI LMP UMR 6630-CNRS Boulevard Pierre et Marie Curie - Teleport 2 BP 30179 86962 Futuroscope - Chasseneuil Cedex France Tel : (33) 5 49 49 67 37 Fax : (33) 5 49 49 66 92 e-mail : Michel.Jaouen@univ-poitiers.fr __________________________________________