Hi again, Well, it was supposed to be the 'stable' release, but a few large bugs were noticed quickly in ifeffit 1.2.0: - Feff6L didn't make it past the pathfinder before dying. - some of the output arrays for feffit() with multiple k-weights were still messed up. These turned out to be easy to track down (and the Feff problem was all mine -- not native to Feff!!!), so I fixed these to make version 1.2.1 (both source and Window exe), which is now available at http://cars.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/download.html and at Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80919&release_id=160378 It usually takes a day for Sourceforge's mirrors to get new files. Since this is supposed to be the 'stable' version, I don't intend to be making releases every 5 days. These problems were big and easy to fix, and I'll be away for a week so thought I should post these now. Really, it will calm down. As others have suggested, I like the idea of being able to update the individual files (athena.exe, ifeffit.dll, feff6l.exe) to an already-installed Windows tree. It should be fairly easy to write a program that looks at some webpage for a zip file with the changes since version "1.2.X" and update the needed files. --Matt