Hi Todd, Kapton is resistant to most solvents, but that's not necessarily true for the adhesive on it! I've had the adhesive completely washed away by samples with a little solvent on them before. So you should test that before preparing your samples. --Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College On Aug 6, 2009, at 11:47 AM, Monson, Todd wrote:
Thanks for all your comments regarding kapton tape and measuring air and moisture sensitive compounds. Many of my samples are indeed air sensitive and not just moisture sensitive (iron nanoparticles). If my particles are dispersed in solvent will the kapton be resistant to that solvent (at least during the time that the solvent is evaporating from the tape in the glove box)? Darek mentioned kapton dots - could you tell me where I can purchase these?
Thanks again for everyone's help, I thought this mailing list was primarily for software related questions but I am finding it is useful to get help on any XAFS related questions.