##Then, a possible bug. It is reproducible everytime: - I launch Dathena from the command line without specifying the name of the project I want to open - I try to open a project (an old style Athena project) from the GUI (for example located at /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj) - I get an error message (a pop-up window, the terminal is quiet) saying '/home/denis/athena.prj is not readable', i.e. it looks for my file in my home folder and doesn't take into consideration the path to the file I input in the 'import data' dialog. - if I copy athena.prj from /home/denis/pathtothefolder/ to /home/denis/ then it works. - a workaround is: 'dathena /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj'
I have reproduced this behavior on a computer I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10. I have other computers at 11.10 and 12.04 that do NOT display this behavior, so it seems to be something new. I'll report to the mailing list when I uncover a solution. Cheers, B