I did encounter that "No absorbing atom (ipot=0) defined" error sometimes, but I run Artemis only after I have feff calculations done.
I don't understand whether Feff ran to completion or not. Are you saying that you made a successful run of Feff (including real output files) but that Artemis still failed to read this calculation? That seems pretty strange.
By the way, I use FEFF8.
For Feff8, I believe you need to be much more careful about line endings. It's not able to use Windows line-endings on unixes, for example.
Artemis works fine for me (on a Mac) with feff8: just ask in the menu for Import feff calculation and choose the folder where is your feff8 calculation where you must have: feff.inp feffXXX.dat files files.dat paths.dat BUT ALL files must be Unix! Following Matt's advice, use BBEdit Lite (that's free or if you had some money buy BBEdit (the last vesrion is 8): that is really a very good Editor (the best for me) on Mac. Then open your files, check the option button and select Unix for Line Breaks. Best regards Michel -- __________________________________________ Michel Jaouen Universite de Poitiers - UFR Sciences - SP2MI LMP UMR 6630-CNRS Boulevard Pierre et Marie Curie - Teleport 2 BP 30179 86962 Futuroscope - Chasseneuil Cedex France Tel : (33) 5 49 49 67 37 Fax : (33) 5 49 49 66 92 e-mail : Michel.Jaouen@univ-poitiers.fr __________________________________________