Dear all, I'm using Demeter version in Windows 7 Enterprise. Starting from yesterday, I could not re-open what I saved as ***.fpj any more. I tried to re-open my previous projects as well created new projects and then re-opened them. Artemis program would close after spending 1 or 2 seconds in trying to load what I asked it to load. Mainly, the following two error messages were showing in the log file in the %APPDATA%\demeter when I tried to open different project files: Can't call method "workspace" without a package or object reference at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/Fit.pm line 1550. Can't call method "group" on an undefined value at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/Artemis/Project.pm line 466. I only had problems with loading ***.fpj files. Athena projects and feff input files can be imported in Artemis as normal. Thank you very much if you can help to fix the problem! Mengling -- Mengling Yi Stuckman Graduate Research Assistant Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science Ohio State University 2070 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH, 43210