On Monday 19 July 2010 09:23:47 am Claire Gervais wrote:
Dear Bruce,
You know what...?
There are some times in which life could be much more simple if one would be a little bit more persevering...
- I did try to move the window to see the bottom of it (it was actually my first trial, even before contacting you). But the OK button was not there. - I did try to reduce by 1pt all the fonts so that the window was just at the border of my screen. But the OK button was still not there. - After your email, I tried to reduce the fonts by 2pts which gives me a tiny tiny window, but ... with an OK button at the bottom!
Sorry about all this story for a problem of window and font size, but I really thought that I made all things possible from my side.
Thanks a LOT for your help!
That's what the mailing list is here for. As for the teeny tiny window, I acknowledge that's not an ideal solution. Getting that problem fixed is on my mind. B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 My homepage: http://xafs.org/BruceRavel EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/