Hi, I'd like to start using Athena and Artemis to do some feff- fitting to my data but I'm having some problems loading in my two column data files (E (keV) & Intensity (Flourscence signal/reflectivity detector) ) of the spectra into Athena. I get the following message when I try to load the data file: ************ This file: c:/My Documents/25min_trying.txt contins data that are not monotonically increasing in energy. (check data points 101) Athena cannot import data in this state. You may sort these by energy, discading repeated points, or you may simply discard these data. ************ *If I select sort, Athena "finishes" and has the comment Error: Runtime exception I don't think there are any duplicate energies in my spectra... to give you an idea here are the first couple lines of my text file: 11.8946 0.135782452 11.8951 0.137828398 11.8956 0.137274903 11.8961 0.137603924 11.8966 0.136993206 11.8971 0.135301602 11.8976 0.139005468 Is there are particular format I need to have this file in? Thanks, Kristine Witkowski Northwestern University