Hi Matt et al.
The improved NeXuS format for XAS data looks fine to me. Good idea. But
it makes me wonder whether
a similar formatting for theoretical XAS data would be useful, especially
for analysis purposes.
On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 11:45 PM Matt Newville
Hi Folks,
As some of you are aware, there is a Q2XAFS meeting in a few weeks. I will be presenting some work on using NeXuS and HDF5 to store and distribute XAS data. This builds on and closely follows the XDI format from Bruce Ravel.
While XDI is a great way to represent a single XAS spectrum, it is not able to contain multiple spectra. It also is not very specific about how to deal with data files with a large number (say, > 20) columns as might be found coming from many beamlines with multi-element detectors. I think that many of us are starting to see the need to regularly provide "raw" or "nearly raw" data as supplementary data for published articles or as part of datasets made available under FAIR data principles. While XDI could be one way to do that, I think it is also reasonable to reconsider formats other than plaintext files holding one spectrum.
As I am preparing to present this, I've put together something like a blog post on a proof-of-concept for a NeXuS file format based on XDI at https://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/nxxas/ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/nxxas/__;!!K-H.... There are a few example data files using the proposed layout at https://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/nxxas/nexus_xas.html https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/nxxas/nexus_xa.... There is also a Pull Request in with the NeXuS developers for this.
If you are interested and have time over the next week or two, please read the pages above and let me know your thoughts on this. I know that not everyone is interested in this, but I also know that some who might be interested are not able to attend Q2XAFS. I think the discussion on this topic should be as wide as possible, which is why I am posting this here and before the meeting.
--Matt Newville
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