Hi Paul, Thanks for all the comments and kind words!
1. It would be nice to have legends on the pgplot window -- colors are nice but if one is comparing different data sets, it is really hard to tell them apart (especially if the page is printed). Also one of the things I used to do with the unix environment was to set up a series of different autobak files with different rback settings so I could see the effect of moving the fit window. It was nice to be able to compare all of these in the same graphic window -- it doesn't seem like this can be done anymore (am I right about this?)
Both excellent suggestions, and not hard to do. The 'key' keyword in the plot command will give a 'gnuplot-like' plot legend: plot(dat.x, dat.y, key='Data #1') Using that, a plain-old macro that changes rbkg might look like this: macro try_rbkg in_group out_group 1.00 spline($1.energy, $1.xmu, kweight=1, rbkg=$3, group=$2) $2.chik = $2.chi * $2.k^2 plot($2.k, $2.chik, key=$2) end macro read_data(my.xmu, group=dat,type=xmu) try_rbkg my r05 0.5 try_rbkg my r07 0.7 try_rbkg my r09 0.9 try_rbkg my r11 1.1 Making a GUI form to show rbkg from [..] to [..] in steps of [..] would be simple and useful. I'll try to get this in the next version.
2. In terms of documentation, a nice intro would be to highlight the differences between gifeffit and the more traditional unix command line version to help new users get up to speed -- again I am willing to write some of this (if help is needed), but I still need to get up to speed myself!
OK... yes any suggestions or help writing such documentation would be greatly appreciated!!
3. I am not 100% sure of this, but it seemed that when, for example, I had the plotter open and subsequently read in a new data set in another window or defined a new array, the pop-up menus in the plotter window weren't aware of the new data set (at least not immediately).
Yes, this is annoying. Clicking on a 'dropdown list of groups' should show the complete list. Currently it shows the last-known list and _then_ gets the latest list, so it's easy to get a step behind. I'll try to fix it.
One last thing, on the ifeffit homepage, it is stated that feffit is included in the distribution, but is not stable -- what is unstable and what are the limitations of the feffit module within gifeffit currently, e.g. is it something I can use to fit data?
The feffit() command within ifeffit is OK (well, as far as I know!). The message was about the Feffit Program that is included with the ifeffit distribution kit. This is still based o a fairly different set of source code, though I'm trying to fully merge the two. Because of problems with this merger, there were some serious problems with the Feffit program. I think these are worked out now, so that the Feffit program that installs with ifeffit is now as good as the 'old feffit program'. --Matt