Dear Amativa, Bruce is right, Ccleaner messed up your system and, unfortunately, beyond repair. Ccleaner promises indeed to remove unused DLL's from your system but is very bad at guessing which DLL's are really obsolete and has a tendency to assume DLL's are unused instead of playing it safe. Therefore, this piece of software needs to be handled by an expert hand, or you butcher your system as you seem to have done. I know this because I made the exact same mistake 16 years ago after which my windows 98 didn't even boot up anymore, so I'm even surprised your pc is still running. The solution to this problem? Complete reinstallation of your OS, trying to manually repair is very complicated and time consuming. You will probably run into similar problems with other applications as well because of missing DLL's. regards, Alexander -- dr. ir. Alexander Riskin Doctor-Navorser IMO - Inorganic and Physical Chemistry T +32(0)11 26 83 94 | F +32(0)11 26 83 23 http://www.uhasselt.be Universiteit Hasselt | Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan Gebouw D | B-3590 Diepenbeek Kantoor G1.94